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Nepalese Reverse CyclistEyes Guinness World Record

Biresh Dahal from Udaypur, Nepal has arrived in London on his mission to complete one hundred and fifty countries of the world cycling backwards.  Something interesting and unique about him is he does not cycle forward instead he pedals his cycle on the reverse, positioning himself backwards on his bicycle seat but moving ahead. He has already travelled 57 countries of different continents in last ten years. He is accompanied by his fellow cyclist Barun Adhikari from Panchthar and Bajendra Mahara from Jhapa Nepal who cycle alongside him in a normal way acting as his guide on the road.
The aim of his ambitious journey is to introduce Nepal and spread the Lord Buddha’s message of peace and harmony around the world.
Having destined to America and Canada next, they have a plan of staying another three weeks in London. Asked about their best and worst experience during their journey Biresh says," the worst was I nearly got killed in an accident with a lorry in Tanzania where I was catapulted off the road and my bicycle was crushed." I remembered my mum and worried about my journey to be incomplete" he looked tearful on his expression. He described many happiest moments where they performed in front the crowd of thousands on various places of the world. He remembered prime minister of Netherlands’, King of Bahrain who publically came out in their support and inspiration.
Dressed in traditional Nepalese costume Daura Suruwal” and Dhaka Topi (a woven Nepalese hat), they looked pleasant while admiring the support of the people around the world especially Nepalese people living abroad. Biresh was very much thankful especially to people like Andy Gurung who bought him a replacement bicycle when he lost one of his costly bicycle in Thailand.
 Having completed Mechi to Mahakali (Nepal’s eastern and western boarder point) at the beginning of their journey, they set off to the rest of the world. " My mother sold a piece of land back home in order to fund the start of my journey, at that stage it was difficult to convince even my family members for my ambitious plans. Now not only my family but also my fellow countrymen are being proud for what I am doing." he said with all smiles on his face.
They have travelled more than forty six thousand miles on their two wheelers and awaiting much more miles and adventures of their life time. “What you gain as achievement is once in a life time, I have no intention of earning money or being rich but keep a name instead."  He said with confidence. They plan to complete the journey in another five years.
The main challenges they face, in their word, is financial one to arrange travel and living expenses. Staying in the Nepalese Embassy in London since they arrived about four weeks back, he is trying to gather some financial support from the Nepalese community here in London.
 He expressed his gratitude to the Non Resident Nepalese Association UK who handed around one thousand five hundred pounds for their help. "There are some other individuals and organisation helping us to move forward, but we are in need of more assistance from all sector of the society” says Barun one of the three cyclists in the team.  “We are not only promoting Nepal's tourism but also spreading the message to the people of the world to be environmentally friendly to save the planet" said Bajendra the third on the team.
Puskar Shah a Nepalese cyclist has already completed world cycle trek travelling 150 countries on his bike. However Biresh is the only man doing reverse cycling trek of the planet.“We have already started the process of registering on world Guinness book record from here in London." Biresh said.